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Historic Hospital Admission Records Project


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Welcome to HHARP, the home of historical children’s hospital records

HHARP (The Historic Hospital Admission Registers Project) provides access to 140,213 admission records to four British children’s hospitals: three in London, the Great Ormond Street Hospital, the Evelina and the Alexandra Hip Hospital for Children, and one from Scotland, the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow. Between them the databases cover a period from 1852 to 1921. In addition the case notes of two eminent early paediatricians can be accessed, as can a library of articles and images relating to the four hospitals and to children’s health in Victorian and Edwardian Britain. Medical historians and demographers will find HHARP an invaluable tool in the study of the early development of paediatric medicine. Family historians and local historians will find a treasure trove of information on families and healthcare in Victorian and Edwardian London and Glasgow.


In memory of Dr Andrea Tanner, a good friend and inspirational colleague

Dr Andrea Tanner

It is with much sadness that we report the death of our colleague, Dr Andrea Tanner, the founder of HHARP (the Historical Hospital Admission Records Project), on 23 November 2024 after a long illness. Read more.


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  • Nellie WallaceNellie Wallace: Patient from 29 June 1872 to 11 March 1874

    Nellie Wallace lived at Hyde St, Hoxton. She was four and a half when she was admitted to the Hospital on 29th June 1872, by one of the surgeons, Mr Haward. Nellie probably had a tubercular infection of her knee joint. She stayed in hospital for three months, and was sent to Cromwell House to convalesce in September. Her problem returned however, and she came back to hospital twice in 1873, both times for surgery, before being finally discharged in November 1873, relieved. To find out more about Nellie click here.